Marala Scott

Gratitude is an emotion and appreciation with greater depth for the goodness that happens throughout your life. My Gratitude Cards cause you to pause and reflect on moments that touch your heart, change your life, or lift your spirit. Show appreciation for unsolicited acts of kindness, and those moments that should not escape you and watch the difference you make!
Family, Friends, Co-workers, Holidays, Bridal Parties, Special Occasions and more
Passion Inspires Greatness
Passion Inspires Greatness provides an inspirational approach to teach you how to use your passion to invest in your future. It will help you understand the benefits of constructing a solid foundation comprised of: A Strong Work Ethic, Passion, Confidence, Excellent Character, Discipline, Mental Toughness, A Positive Attitude, and Faith. That foundation will provide what is necessary to overcome the certainty of adversity and encourage you to evaluate yourself, establish better habits, remove negative influences, and make goal-oriented decisions. Passion is something you can feel greater than anything else, which is why it can inspire you to achieve greatness and take a journey with purpose.