Marala Scott

With Gratitude
A book of poetry and prose to reframe your days—to renew your spirits and help you approach the world with an eye towards the positive, meaningful moments—with gratitude.

Marala Scott is an Inspirational Ghostwriter, Award-winning Author, Keynote Speaker, Poet, and Oprah Winfrey's Ambassador of Hope. She has an undeniable passion to inspire and the ability to connect with others through her words of relatable poetry and prose. Her beautiful words will return something that escaped you.
#1 Billboard Charting Recording Artist
Matthew Mayer
This book "With Gratitude" should be in every home. From the cover design to the opening sentence, Marala Scott invites us in a loving way to take a moment for us to reflect on the beauty and meaning that surrounds us in everyday life.
When I turn the pages of "With Gratitude", I can't help but sense Marala not only giving us a deeper insight into each poetic expression, but also teaching and telling us to slow down, appreciating the simplicity of the words, and the deeper meaning.
I respect so much that Marala is not about tackling word volume on the page, but instead focuses on bringing out the 'volume of meaning' in each word on the page...just as it is.
Each poem and prose definitely has more depth than what meets the initial eye. Take on the urge to read fast. Instead, slow down, absorb, reflect, and love yourself in the process.
This book is a welcome change....a literary hug. Highly Recommended!
Maria Howell
When I read the introduction, I was sold! It moved me to tears and I knew this would be a book I would refer to for the rest of my life. I love the way Marala Scott resonates with my soul. Very sensitive and honest! I'm so sure I'm not the only one who feels this way. I can't wait to finish reading "With Gratitude", and continue to re-read for a long time to come!

Your thoughts can bring to life
a vision so beautiful
only your mind could create
and make you
even more beautiful to the world
Marala Scott